Physiology or Medicine


Interview transcript Professor Nirenberg, thank you for coming to this interview. Marshall W. Nirenberg: You’re very welcome, you’re welcome. We’re very happy to see you here in Lindau. Marshall W. Nirenberg: I’m glad to be here. Great. I just want to start off right away with the day or the night or…



Interview transcript Professor Nüsslein-Volhard, it’s so nice to have you here in Lindau. What you said today, that scientists have to be humble, could you explain that a little bit more? Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard: Yes. The importance of genes was of course recognised very early on and I think the term gene was…



Interview transcript Welcome to meet the Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine for 1997, Dr Stanley Prusiner, the man who did as very few scientists do, but all of them will get Nobel Prizes I think, they really turn the concept we have upside down, and please tell me Dr Prusiner, what…



Interview transcript We are at the Nobel Foundation and we are very pleased today to welcome Dr Louis Ignarro, the Nobel Prize Laureate of 1998. With me is Professor Göran Hansson of the Karolinska Hospital, who is an expert in cardiovascular research, the area which we are going to…



French de L’Institut Pasteur est né, en 1888, de la victoire sur la maladie que représentait, pour le monde entier, la vaccination contre la rage par Pasteur. Le grand homme en science, c’est d’abord celui qui sait discerner les bons problèmes au bon moment, quand il y a une chance de leur apporter quelque solution.…
