

Interview, December 2014 Interview with 2014 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry William E. Moerner, 6 December 2014. William E. Moerner’s work in simple terms. William E. Moerner on his breakthrough. William E. Moerner on what brought him to science. William E. Moerner on role models. William E. Moerner on being awarded…



Interview, November 2020 Q&A with Stefan Hell – Being a Scientist In advance of the 2021 Nobel Prize Dialogue in Korea, a digital event on 17 November 2020 explored the theme of ‘Being a Scientist’. This was an online interview with Stefan Hell, on issues such as creativity, collaboration and dealing with failure, moderated…



Interview, December 2014 Interview in French with 2014 Nobel Laureate in Literature Patrick Modiano, 6 December 2014. Patrick Modiano parle de comment il est devenu un écrivain. Patrick Modiano parle de son travaille littéraire. Patrick Modiano parle de ses romans. Patrick Modiano parle de ses sources d’inspiration. Patrick Modiano donne des…


Banquet speech

Your Majesties, your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen The great economist John Maynard Keynes once wrote: “If economists could manage to get themselves thought of as humble, competent people on a level with dentists, that would be splendid.” 83 years and much research later, we would perhaps aspire to be compared with…


Banquet speech

Vos Majestés Vos Altesses Royales Excellences; Chers Lauréats; Mesdames et Messieurs; La cérémonie qui vient de se dérouler m’a profondément ému, et témoigne de la générosité et de la grâce avec laquelle vous m’avez reçu parmi vous. Cela, je ne l’oublierai jamais. Je n’oublierai jamais la gentillesse et la délicatesse des membres…


Banquet speech

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen On behalf of my colleagues May-Britt and Edvard Moser, and myself, I would like to express our gratitude to the Nobel Foundation for hosting this magnificent banquet. I would also like to express our gratitude to the Nobel Committee and Assembly for…


Banquet speech

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, What a week, what a day, and what a night …! I cannot imagine anything more exhilarating than to stand here this evening – also on behalf of my colleagues W. E. Moerner and Eric Betzig – thanking the Swedish Academy and the Nobel…


Banquet speech

Your Majesty, Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, Colleagues and Friends: On behalf of my co-recipients, Professor Isamu Akasaki and Professor Hiroshi Amano, I would like to thank the Members of the Nobel Prize selection committee, and members of the Swedish Royal Academy of Science for honouring our invention of the efficient blue-light…
