

Interview, December 2014 “When I was giving my Nobel Lecture I lost my manuscript” Kailash Satyarthi shares som memorable moments from the Nobel Days in Oslo, Norway, when interviewed during his visit to the Nobel Foundation on 12 December 2014. Interview, October 2014 “In our lifetime we can end child labor” Kailash Satyarthi…



Interview, December 2014 Interview with 2014 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine John O’Keefe, 6 December 2014. John O’Keefe’s work in simple terms. John O’Keefe on his breakthrough. John O’Keefe on what brought him to science. John O’Keefe on being awarded the Nobel Prize. Nobel Prize Talks: John O’Keefe Released…



Interview, December 2013 Interview with 2013 Nobel Laureate in Physics Peter Higgs, 6 December 2013. Peter Higgs’ work in simple terms. Peter Higgs explains the standard model. Peter Higgs on if he realized he had a breakthrough. Peter Higgs on his scientific career. Peter Higgs on how he heard of being…
