Award ceremony speech

Swedish Presentationstal av Professor Göran K. Hansson, ledamot av , ordförande i Nobelkommittén för fysiologi eller medicin, den 10 december 2006. Professor Göran K. Hansson presenterar Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin 2006 i Stockholms Konserthus. Eders Majestäter, Eders Kungliga Högheter, Mina Damer och Herrar, Vi lever i informationsflödets epok. Informationen flödar över oss…


Press release

Swedish 2 oktober 2006 har idag beslutat att Nobelpriset i Fysiologi eller Medicin år 2006 gemensamt tilldelas Andrew Z. Fire och Craig C. Mello för deras upptäckt av “RNA-interferens – utsläckning av geners uttryck med dubbelsträngat RNA” Sammanfattning Årets Nobelpristagare i fysiologi eller medicin har upptäckt en mekanism av central betydelse för informationsflödet i cellen.…



Andrew Zachary Fire was born on April 27, 1959 at Stanford University Hospital in Santa Clara County California. Spending most of his early years (until age 16) in nearby Sunnyvale, he attended the local public schools: Hollenbeck Elementary School (1964–1970), Mango Junior High School (1970–1972), and Fremont High School (1972–1975). Fire enrolled at University of…


Illustrated information

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2006 The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2006 jointly to Andrew Fire and Craig Mello for their discovery of RNA interference – gene silencing by double-stranded RNA. RNA interference is a fundamental mechanism for controlling the flow of…



I recall a sunny September morning in Virginia. I remember the sound of the school bus taking away the older kids, including my two siblings Jean and Frank. My mother, no doubt, was busy with my baby brother Roger. I was playing in the creek as I often did, turning over stones, looking for small…


Advanced information

RNA INTERFERENCE This year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is shared by Professor Andrew Z. Fire at Stanford University, California, USA, and Professor Craig C. Mello at the University of Massachusetts Medical School in Worcester, USA. They receive the prize for their discovery that double-stranded RNA triggers suppression of gene activity in a homology-dependent…


Press release

English 2 October 2006 has today decided to award The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 2006 jointly to Andrew Z. Fire and Craig C. Mello for their discovery of “RNA interference – gene silencing by double-stranded RNA” Summary This year’s Nobel Laureates have discovered a fundamental mechanism for controlling the flow of genetic…


Popular information

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2006 jointly toAndrew Fire and Craig Mello “for their discovery of RNA interference – gene silencing by double-stranded RNA” The Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine for 2006, the American scientists Andrew Fire and Craig Mello, have discovered a fundamental mechanism of gene regulation. They have shown that…
