Press release

English 15 October 2007 has decided to award The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2007 jointly to Leonid Hurwicz University of Minnesota, MN, USA, Eric S. Maskin Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA and Roger B. Myerson University of Chicago, IL, USA “for having laid the foundations of…



Your questions to Roger B. Myerson After the 2007 Nobel Prize announcements, visitors to Nobelprize.org had the possibility to submit questions to the 2007 Nobel Laureates. Here, Roger B. Myerson, answers a selection of the questions. Question: It seems that regulation theory and applied regulation in general always tries to capture and control some market…



A scholar’s greatest asset is his or her intuition about what questions to study and with what methodology. A scientific autobiography should shed some light on how this intuition grew and developed over time. The interests that shape one’s adult life generally have deep roots in childhood. I grew up in a comfortable suburb of…



Your questions to Eric S. Maskin After the 2007 Nobel Prize announcements, visitors to Nobelprize.org had the possibility to submit questions to the 2007 Nobel Laureates. Here, Eric Maskin, answers a selection of the questions. Question: It seems that regulation theory and applied regulation in general always tries to capture and control some market inefficiency…


The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences 2007   Information about the Prize in Economic Sciences 2007   • Mechanism Design for the Environment, S. Baliga and E. Maskin, Handbook of Environmental Economics, K. Mäler and J. Vincent (ed.), Elsevier Science, Amsterdam, 2003 • The theory of implementation of social choice rules, R. Serrano, SIAM…


The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences 2007 Mechanism design theory provides methods to answer the following general question: What are the best rules of the game, or the best mechanism, for attaining a given objective? These objectives may vary in character: for example social welfare, profit from transactions in a market, a fair allocation…
