

William Randal Cremer (March 18, 1828-July 22, 1908) was born in the small town of Fareham, England, not far from Portsmouth, into a working class family at a time when intense misery was the workingman’s lot. His father, a coach painter, deserted the family while the boy was still an infant. His mother, an indomitable…



In the first third of the twentieth century, Christian Lous Lange (September 17, 1869-December 11, 1938) became one of the world’s foremost exponents of the theory and practice of internationalism. His career from his school days to his death was closely focused on international affairs. Lange was born in Stavanger, an old city on Norway’s…



Edgar Algernon Robert Cecil (September 14, 1864-November 24, 1958) British lawyer, parliamentarian and cabinet minister, one of the architects of the League of Nations and its faithful defender, was the distinguished son of the third Marquess of Salisbury, that remarkable man who occupied, in the course of his career, the highest offices in the land:…



A jurist, humanitarian, and internationalist, René Samuel Cassin (October 5, 1887- ) is one of the world’s foremost proponents of the legal as well as the moral recognition of the rights of man. Neither a pessimist nor an optimist, the peace laureate, eighty-one years old when awarded the prize in 1968, confessed that “men are…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Jørgen Gunnarsson Løvland, Chairman of the , on December 10, 1909 Auguste Beernaert was born in 1828. After completing his legal studies he began practice as a barrister in Brussels in 1853. In 1859 he was appointed counsel at the Belgian Supreme Court of Appeal. He entered politics at an early date…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Carl Joachim Hambro, Member of the Nobel Committee The of the Norwegian Storting [Parliament] has decided to divide the Peace Prize for 1963 between the two sister organizations of the Red Cross: the International Red Cross Committee and the League of Red Cross Societies. It is most appropriate that such a decision…


Award ceremony speech

  Presentation Speech by Johan Ludwig Mowinckel, member of the , on December 10, 1930 It might appear that this year’s two Peace Prize winners are widely separated, not only in the geographical sense by the ocean which separates their two countries, but also in the area of their activities and in the nature of…
