

Questions and answers After the 2007 Nobel Prize announcements, visitors to had the possibility to submit questions to the 2007 Nobel Laureates. Here, Gerhard Ertl answers a selection of the questions. Question: Apart from the development of more effective adsorption catalysts, what in your opinion are the most important applications of the knowledge we…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Gerard de Geer, President of , on December 10, 1921 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. As long ago as the Ice Age, when our species was in its childhood, man found in fire a powerful ally in his fight against cold and darkness, and it helped him make…


Popular information

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2007 This year’s chemistry laureate Gerhard Ertl has succeeded in providing a detailed description of how chemical reactions take place on surfaces and has in this way laid the foundation of modern surface chemistry. He is awarded the prize for showing how reliable results can be obtained in this area…


Scientific American, (1987) Vol 256:6, 42-48. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, (1987) 12, 321-326. Nature (1985) 318, 618-624. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, (press release).  
