

Swedish DEN RÖDA VALLMON Det allra bästa är att inte ha några tankar. Känslor: åh, de har jag; de styr mig. I himlen har jag en herre vid namn solen, jag öppnar mig för honom och visar elden i mitt eget hjärta, eld lik hans närvaro. För vad är en sådan härlighet om inte ett…


Nobel Lecture

Louise Glück’s Nobel Prize lecture was recorded on 27 March 2023 in Berkeley, California, USA. English When I was a small child of, I think, about five or six, I staged a competition in my head, a contest to decide the greatest poem in the world. There were two finalists: Blake’s “The Little Black Boy”…



English THE RED POPPY The great thingis not havinga mind. Feelings:oh, I have those; theygovern me. I havea lord in heavencalled the sun, and openfor him, showing himthe fire of my own heart, firelike his presence.What could such glory beif not a heart? Oh my brothers and sisters,were you like me once, long ago,before you…



Telephone interview, October 2020 “It’s too new … it’s too early here” Telephone interview with Louise Glück immediately following the announcement of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Literature on 8 October 2020. The interviewer is Adam Smith, Chief Scientific Officer of Nobel Media. “My first thought was ‘I won’t have any friends,’ because most…


Prize announcement Announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2020 to Louise Glück, presented by Mats Malm, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, on 8 October 2020. After the announcement Anders Olsson, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Literature, presented the laureate in Swedish and English and answered questions from the audience.



Swedish Biobibliografi Den amerikanska poeten Louise Glück föddes 1943 i New York och är bosatt i Cambridge i Massachusetts. Hon har utöver sitt skrivande också varit verksam som lärare, numera vid Yale University i New Haven, Connecticut. Hon har alltsedan sin debut 1968 med Firstborn hört till de mest prominenta lyrikerna i den amerikanska samtidslitteraturen…



English Biobibliography The American poet Louise Glück was born 1943 in New York and lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Apart from her writing she is a professor of English at Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut. She made her debut in 1968 with Firstborn, and was soon acclaimed as one of the most prominent poets in American…
