
Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor , member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of Your Majesty, Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. In 1897 , the German research worker, discovered that sugar can be made to ferment, not only with ordinary yeast, but also with the help of the expressed juices of yeast which contain none of…


Press release

12 October 1994 has decided to award the 1994 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor George A. Olah, University of Southern California, USA for his contributions to carbocation chemistry. Carbocations: from hypothetical intermediate products to well defined molecules Most of us can recall from our high school chemistry courses that many so called inorganic compounds,…


Award ceremony speech

  Presentation Speech by Professor Stig Claesson of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, This year’s Nobel prize in chemistry has been awarded to Professor Paul Flory for his fundamental contributions to the physical chemistry of macromolecules. Macromolecules include biologically important materials such as cellulose, albumins and…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Carl-Ivar Brändén of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, Our genetic material, which gives every living organism its unique characteristics, is built up from large and complex DNA molecules, each comprising hundreds of millions of atoms. For a long time it was believed…


Popular information

Swedish 8 oktober 2003 Allt levande består av celler. En enda människa har lika många celler som stjärnorna i en galax, ungefär 100 miljarder. De olika cellerna, t.ex. muskelceller, njurceller och nervceller, samverkar i ett intrikat system i var och en av oss. Årets Nobelpristagare i kemi, Peter Agre och Roderick MacKinnon, har bidragit till…
