Award ceremony speech
Award ceremony speech
Presentation Speech by Egil Aarvik, Chairman of the The Nobel Peace Prize is one of six awards bearing the name Alfred Nobel that are presented today. Five of these awards are made in Stockholm, and the Norwegian Nobel Committee would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the laureates who will be honoured in the…
morePress release
Press release
has decided to award the Peace Prize for 1982 to two persons who for many years have played a central role in the United Nations’ disarmament negotiations, namely, Alva Myrdal of Sweden and Alfonso GarcĂa Robles of Mexico. In the disarmament negotiations in Geneva and in many other international bodies, as well as in her…
moreAnwar al-Sadat – Biographical
Born 25th December 1918 in Tala District, Menufia Governorate, EgyptMarried to Jihan Sadat Education: Military College Editor Al Jumhuriya and Al Tahrir1955-56Minister of State1955-56Vice-Chairman National Assembly1957-60Chairman National Assembly1960-68General Secretary Egyptian National Union1957-61Chairman Afro-Asian Solidarity Council1961Member Presidential Council1962-1964Vice-president of Egypt1964-66, 1969-70President of Egypt1970Prime Minister1973-74Chairman Arab Socialist Union1970Member Higher Council on Nuclear Energy1975 Selected BibliographyThe…