
Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Carl-Ivar Brändén of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, Our genetic material, which gives every living organism its unique characteristics, is built up from large and complex DNA molecules, each comprising hundreds of millions of atoms. For a long time it was believed…


Press release

Swedish 13 oktober 1998 har utdelat 1998 års Nobelpris i kemi inom området kvantkemi till Walter Kohn, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA och John A. Pople, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA (brittisk medborgare). Pristagarna har var för sig gjort banbrytande insatser för att utveckla metoder som kan användas för att teoretiskt studera molekylers…



Hydrocarbons for the 21st century – The work of the Loker Hydrocarbon Research Institute by George A. Olah1994 Nobel Prize laureate in chemistry Hydrocarbons derived from petroleum, natural gas, or coal are essential in many ways to modern life and its quality. The bulk of the world’s hydrocarbons is used for fuels, electrical power generation,…
