

Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) was born in Bombay, but educated in England at the United Services College, Westward Ho, Bideford. In 1882 he returned to India, where he worked for Anglo-Indian newspapers. His literary career began with Departmental Ditties (1886), but subsequently he became chiefly known as a writer of short stories. A prolific writer, he…


Curriculum Vitae

Georgia Brown works on sixteenth and seventeenth century English literature. She is the author of Redefining Elizabethan Literature, and has published articles on Christopher Marlowe, Queen Elizabeth I, Renaissance translation, Spenser, Antony and Cleopatra, disgust as a theme in the drama of John Marston, Renaissance embroidery, attitudes to war in Ancient Greek texts and teaching…



Swedish Biobibliografisk notis Herta Müller är född den 17 augusti 1953 i den tyskspråkiga byn Nitzkydorf i Banat i Rumänien. Hennes föräldrar tillhörde den tyskspråkiga minoriteten i Rumänien. Fadern hade under andra världskriget gjort tjänst i Waffen-SS. Många Rumänientyskar deporterades till Sovjetunionen 1945 och Herta Müllers mor var en av dessa. Hon tillbringade fem år…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Fredrik Böök, Member of the Nobel Committee for Literature, on December 10, 1929 If one asks which innovation the nineteenth century made in the field of literature, which new form it created in addition to the old forms of epic, drama, and lyric, whose roofs are in Greece, the answer must be:…
