
Prize presentation Watch a video clip of the 2020 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Jennifer A. Doudna, receiving her Nobel Prize medal and diploma from Swedish Honorary Consul General Barbro Osher during a ceremonial presentation in Berkeley, California, USA, on 8 December 2020.


Prize presentation Watch a video clip of the 2020 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Emmanuelle Charpentier, receiving her Nobel Prize medal and diploma during a ceremonial presentation at the Swedish Ambassador’s Residence in Berlin, Germany, on 7 December 2020.



Summary I was born (14 April 1951) in Leicester, England but spent most of my childhood in the Gold Coast (later Ghana). The family returned to England in 1964, settling in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. There I went to the Royal Grammar School, which developed my interests in chemistry and biology and set me on a path to…



Early life I was born March 10, 1941 to Albert Mark Smith II (March 2, 1908 to February 3, 1978) and Jessie Patton Biggs Smith (September 14, 1909 to June 14, 2000). My brother Mark (A. Mark Smith III) was born December 29, 1942 and my sister Helen (now Helen Boyd) was born June 22,…



I was born in East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on July 25, 1956, misshapen after my mother’s twenty-four-hour labor and with no hair. My father called me his ‘Swan’ (until that nickname was swapped for ‘Vampira’ when I was a teenager). William Howard Arnold and Josephine Inman Routheau, both twenty-five, already had two-and-a-half-year old Bill when I…


The Nobel Prize award ceremony takes place at the Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden, on 10 December every year – the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. At the ceremony, the Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and the Prize in Economic Sciences are awarded to the Nobel Laureates. This year, the award ceremony…


Award ceremony speech

Professor Claes Gustafsson delivering the presentation speech for the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. © Nobel Prize Outreach. Photo: Dan Lepp English Presentation Speech by Professor Claes Gustafsson, Member of the ; Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry, 10 December 2020. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Esteemed Nobel Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen, The fertilised…


Award ceremony speech

Swedish Presentationstal av professor Claes Gustafsson, ledamot av , ordförande i Nobelkommittén för kemi, 10 december 2020. Eders Majestäter. Eders Kungliga Högheter. Ärade Pristagare. Mina Damer och Herrar. De befruktade ägget innehåller all den information som krävs för att skapa en människa och denna information lagras i vårt genetiska material, vårt DNA. År 1953 föreslog…


Nobel diploma

Artist: Gunnel Moheim Calligrapher: Marie A. Györi Book binder: Leonard Gustafssons Bokbinderi AB Photo reproduction: Lovisa Engblom Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2020
