Economic Sciences

Press release

Swedish 12 oktober 2020 har beslutat utdela Sveriges Riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne 2020 till Paul R. Milgrom Stanford University, USA Robert B. Wilson Stanford University, USA ”för förbättringar av auktionsteorin och uppfinningar av nya auktionsformat”   Deras grundforskning förbättrar auktioner i praktiken Årets ekonomipristagare, Paul Milgrom och Robert Wilson, har…


Press release

English 12 October 2020 has decided to award the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2020 to Paul R. Milgrom Stanford University, USA Robert B. Wilson Stanford University, USA “for improvements to auction theory and inventions of new auction formats”   Their theoretical discoveries have improved auctions in practice This…



Interview with Eugene F. Fama on 6 December 2013 during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, Sweden. Could you explain your awarded work for young students? Eugene F. Fama: If I would explain my work, I started back in 1962 working on the general topic is how do prices incorporate new information. It’s called the efficient…



Interview with 2013 Laureate in Economic Sciences Robert J. Shiller, 6 December 2013. Could you please explain your Prize awarded work for 13-14-year olds? Robert J. Shiller: I was part of a three-man award. It’s a little hard because I think that the descriptions they might give will be different than mine, so I have…



Interview with Lars Peter Hansen on 6 December 2013 during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, Sweden. Could you describe your awarded work for young students? Lars Peter Hansen: The way that I like to describe my work is that it’s developing statistical methods to do something without having to do everything. Let me elaborate a…
