Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Kjell Espmark of the , December 10, 1998. Translation of the Swedish text. Professor Kjell Espmark delivering the Presentation Speech for the 1998 Nobel Prize in Literature at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Photo: Hans Mehlin, Nobelprize.org Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness, Ladies and Gentlemen, There is one type of writer who,…



Swedish Biobibliografisk notis José Saramago är född 1922 i en lantbrukarfamilj i den lilla byn Azinhaga (Ribatejo), norr om Lissabon. Av ekonomiska skäl gav han upp sina gymnasiestudier och utbildade sig till maskintekniker. Han prövade på olika yrken i offentlig förvaltning, arbetade tolv år på förlag och därefter på tidningar, bl.a. som biträdande chefredaktör på…



English Biobibliographical Notes José Saramago was born in 1922 to a family of farmers in the little village of Azinhaga (Ribatejo) north of Lisbon. For financial reasons he abandoned his high-school studies and trained as a mechanic. After trying different jobs in the civil service, he worked for a publishing company for twelve years and…



Written over the author’s signature and translated into English by Fernando Rodrigues and Tim Crosfield I was born in a family of landless peasants, in Azinhaga, a small village in the province of Ribatejo, on the right bank of the Almonda River, around a hundred kilometres north-east of Lisbon. My parents were José de Sousa…



I was born on 1 November, 1950 in Visalia, California, a medium-sized town just south of Fresno in the San Joaquin Valley. It was at that time an agricultural community more like the Middle West or West Texas than Hollywood or Beverly Hills. The main highway into town was lined with magnificent walnut orchards and…


The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physics jointly to Professor Robert B. Laughlin, Professor Horst L. Störmer and Professor Daniel C. Tsui for their discovery of a new form of quantum fluid with fractionally charged excitations.   Photo: Brigitta Hanggi, Lucent Technologies Professor Daniel C. Tsui Princeton University…
