Barry C. Barish – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
LIGO and Gravitational Waves II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yanao9UvpGc Barry C. Barish delivered his Nobel Lecture on 8 December 2017 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Nils Mårtensson, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics. Pdf 6 MB
moreKip S. Thorne – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
LIGO and Gravitational Waves III Kip S. Thorne delivered his Nobel Lecture on 8 December 2017 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Nils Mårtensson, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics. Pdf 9 MB
morePressmeddelande: Nobelpriset i fysik 2017
Press release
Swedish 3 oktober 2017 har beslutat utdela Nobelpriset i fysik 2017 med ena hälften till Rainer Weiss LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration och med andra hälften gemensamt till Barry C. Barish LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration och Kip S. Thorne LIGO/VIRGO Collaboration “för avgörande bidrag till LIGO-detektorn och observationen av gravitationsvågor” Gravitationsvågorna äntligen fångade Den 14 september 2015 observerades för…
moreKip S. Thorne – Other resources
Other resources
Links to other sites Video In this Caltech video, Kip S. Thorne explains gravitational waves, LIGO, the discovery and why he got interested in the solar system.
moreBarry C. Barish – Nobel diploma
Nobel diploma
Artist: Richard Vakil Calligrapher: Marie A. Györi, monogram: Marianne Pettersson Soold Book binder: Leonard Gustafssons Bokbinderi AB Photo reproduction: Lovisa Engblom