Physiology or Medicine
John R. Vane – Biographical
I was born in Tardebigg, Worcestershire, on the 29th March 1927, one of three children, with an elder sister and brother. My father, Maurice Vane, was a son of immigrants from Russia and my mother, Frances Vane, came from a Worcestershire farming family. We lived in a suburb of Birmingham where I attended the local…
moreAward ceremony speech
Award ceremony speech
Presentation Speech by Professor P. Reichard, Member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine of the Your Majesty, Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. During the fall of 1868, exactly 100 years ago, a young Swiss physician by the name of Friedrich Miescher isolated a new type of compound from cell nuclei. He called…
morePress release
Press release
NOBELFÖRSAMLINGEN KAROLINSKA INSTITUTET THE NOBEL ASSEMBLY AT THE KAROLINSKA INSTITUTE has today decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for 1984 jointly to Niels K. Jerne, Georges J.F. Köhler and César Milstein for theories concerning “the specificity in development and control of the immune system” and the discovery of “the principle for…
Award ceremony speech
Swedish Presentationstal av Professor Göran K. Hansson, Sekreterare i och i Medicinska Nobelkommittén, 10 December 2011 Eders Majestäter, Eders Kungliga Högheter, Ärade Nobelpristagare, Mina Damer och Herrar, Vi lever farligt. Under den timme ni sitter här i Konserthuset byter ni miljontals bakterier och virus med varandra. Lyckligtvis är ni utrustade med bra försvar, och därför…