

Miguel Angel Asturias (1899-1974) was born in Guatemala and spent his childhood and adolescence in his native country. He studied for his baccalaureate at the state high school and later took a law degree at the University of San Carlos. His thesis on “The Social Problem of the Indian” was published in 1923. After he…



Herta Müller was born in 1953 in Nitzkydorf, a German-speaking village in the Banat, a region that had passed from the Austro-Hungarian Empire to Romania in the wake of the First World War. During the Second World War, Romania had allied with the National-Socialist German Reich, and like many of the Romanian-Germans, Herta Müller’s father…



German Günter Grass wurde 1927 als Sohn kaschubisch-deutscher Eltern in Danzig-Langfuhr geboren. Nach Kriegsdienst und amerikanischer Gefangenschaft 1944-1946 arbeitete er als Land- und Bergarbeiter und studierte Kunst in Düsseldorf und Berlin. 1956-1959 verdiente er seinen Lebensunterhalt als Bildhauer, Graphiker und Schriftsteller in Paris und danach in Berlin. 1955 wurde er zum ersten Mal zu einem…



Turkish İstanbul adlı kitabımın bir yarısı şehirden söz eder, bir yarısı da yirmi iki yaşıma kadarki hayat hikayemdir. Kitabı yazıp bitirdiğimde aşırı bir hayal kırıklığına kapıldığımı hatırlıyorum. Kendi hayatımda anlatmak istediğim, vazgeçilmez bir hatıra olarak gördüğüm şeylerin onda birini bile İstanbul’a koyamamıştım. Yirmi iki yaşıma kadarki hayatımı özetleyen ve bambaşka hatıralarla kurulmuş yirmi cilt anı…


Award ceremony speech

  Presentation Speech by Horace Engdahl, Ph.D., Permanent Secretary of the December 10, 2001. Translation of the Swedish text. Dr. Horace Engdahl delivering the Presentation Speech for the 2001 Nobel Prize in Literature at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Honoured Nobel Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen, In the Middle Ages,…


Award ceremony speech

English Presentation Speech by Professor Anders Olsson, Member of the , 10 December 2009. Professor Anders Olsson delivering the Presentation Speech for the 2009 Nobel Prize in Literature at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, Some literature reveals its deep qualities slowly, step by step. Other literature…
