
Press release

Swedish 10 oktober 2000 har beslutat utdela Nobelpriset i kemi för år 2000 gemensamt till Alan J. HeegerUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, Alan G. MacDiarmidUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, Hideki ShirakawaUniversity of Tsukuba, Japan “för upptäckten och utvecklandet av ledande polymerer” Plast som leder ström Vi har lärt oss att plaster, till skillnad från metaller,…


Normally chemical reactions do not proceed spontaneously, but require the help of a catalyst.     A catalyst accelerates a chemical reaction without itself being changed. For example, the reaction of hydrogen with oxygen to produce water requires the addition of the metal platinum. These days we encounter the concept of a catalyst most often in connection…


  The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2005 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2005 jointly to Yves Chauvin, Robert H. Grubbs and Richard R Schrock “for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis”     Contents: |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |…


  The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001                     (Nobel Prize 1901) was one of the first to realize that molecules are three-dimensional. This year’s Nobel Prize has its roots in research carried out by the first Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, J. H. van ‘t Hoff. In…



I was born at home in rural Kentucky in 1942, in a house that my father, Howard, had built. He did most of the construction himself and built it on land that his father had given him when he married my mother Faye. In some places, my birthplace is listed as Calvert City and in…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor the Count K.A.H. Mörner, President of , on December 10, 1907 This year’s Nobel Prize for Chemistry has been awarded to Professor Eduard Buchner for his work on fermentation. For a very long time both chemists and biologists have always regarded it as a particularly significant achievement when it has been…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor A. Westgren, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. “Scheele analyses the universe on the hearth”, it was thus that Tegnér on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Swedish Academy, described the most dazzling of the works of chemistry in our country…


The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2006 Scientific articles: ● Structural basis of transcription: An RNA polymerase II elongation complex at 3.3 Å resolution, by A. L. Gnatt, P. Cramer, J. Fu, D. A. Bushnell and R. D. Kornberg, Science 292, p. 1876-1882 (2001) ● Structural basis of transcription: An RNA polymerase II – TFIIB cocrystal…
