
Award ceremony speech

Professor Anders Olsson delivering the presentation speech for the 2019 Nobel Prize in Literature at Konserthuset Stockholm, 10 December 2019. © Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud. English Presentation Speech by Professor Anders Olsson, Member of the , Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Literature, 10 December 2019. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Esteemed Nobel Laureates, Ladies…


Nobel Lecture

Swedish © NOBELSTIFTELSEN 2019 Generellt tillstånd beviljas för publicering i tidningar på alla språk från och med 7 december 2019, 17.30 (svensk tid). För publicering i tidskrifter eller böcker krävs, såvida det inte gäller sammanfattningar, Stiftelsens medgivande. När det gäller all publicering av föreläsningen i dess helhet eller i längre avsnitt måste ovan understrukna copyrightnotering…


Nobel Lecture

German © DIE NOBELSTIFTUNG 2019 Nachdruck genehmigt für Zeitungen in allen Sprachen nach dem 7. Dezember 2019, 17 Uhr 30 (schwedische Zeit). Jede Veröffentlichung in Zeitschriften oder Büchern, die über eine inhaltliche Zusammenfassung hinausgeht, bedarf der Genehmigung der Stiftung. Alle Veröffentlichungen des gesamten Textes oder größerer Teile des Textes müssen die oben angegebene unterstrichene Copyright-Angabe…


Nobel Lecture

The Tender Narrator Olga Tokarczuk delivered her Nobel Lecture in Literature on Saturday 7 December 2019 at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm. English © THE NOBEL FOUNDATION 2019General permission is granted for the publication in newspapers in any language after December 7, 2019, 16.45 CET. Publication in periodicals or books otherwise than in summary…


Nobel Lecture

Polish © THE NOBEL FOUNDATION 2019 General permission is granted for the publication in newspapers in any language after December 7, 2019, 16.45 CET. Publication in periodicals or books otherwise than in summary requires the consent of the Foundation. On all publications in full or in major parts the above underlined copyright notice must be…


Nobel Lecture

Swedish © NOBELSTIFTELSEN 2019 Generellt tillstånd beviljas för publicering i tidningar på alla språk från och med 7 december 2019, 16.45 CET. För publicering i tidskrifter eller böcker krävs, såvida det inte gäller sammanfattningar, Stiftelsens medgivande. När det gäller all publicering av föreläsningen i dess helhet eller i längre avsnitt måste ovan understrukna copyrightnotering anges.…



Excerpts from Flights   HERE I AM I’m а few years old. I’m sitting on the window sill, surrounded by strewn toys and toppled-over block towers and dolls with bulging eyes. It’s dark in the house, and the air in the rooms slowly cools, dims. There’s no one else here; they’ve left, they’re gone, though…



Excerpt from Repetition Alone during the day, in my room or out of doors, I thought аbout the waiter more than about my раrеnts; as I now realize, it was а kind of love. I had nо desire for contact, I wanted only to bе near him, and I missed him on his day off.…


Nobel Lecture Peter Handke delivered his Nobel Lecture in Literature on Saturday 7 December 2019 at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm. English © THE NOBEL FOUNDATION 2019 General permission is granted for the publication in newspapers in any language after December 7, 2019, 5:30 p.m. CET. Publication in periodicals or books otherwise than in summary requires…
