Plastics are polymers, molecules formed of many identical units bound to each other like pearls in a necklace. For a polymer to be electrically conductive it must “imitate” a metal – the electrons in the bonds must be freely mobile and not bound fast to the atoms. One condition for this is that the polymer…


Press release

French 10 octobre 2000 a décidé d’attribuer le Prix Nobel de Chimie de l’année 2000 conjointement à Alan J. HeegerUniversity of California at Santa Barbara, Californie, Etats-Unis, Alan G. MacDiarmidUniversité de Pennsylvanie, Philadelphie, Etats-Unis, Hideki ShirakawaUniversité de Tsukuba, Japon «pour la découverte et le développement des polymères conducteurs» Des plastiques qui conduisent l’électricité Nous pensions…


Press release

German 10. Oktober 2000 hat beschlossen, den Nobelpreis in Chemie für das Jahr 2000 gemeinsam zu verleihen an Alan J. HeegerUniversity of California at Santa Barbara, USA Alan G. MacDiarmidUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA Hideki ShirakawaUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA “für die Entdeckung und Entwicklung von leitenden Polymeren” Kunststoff, der Elektrizität leitet Wir haben gelernt,…


Press release

Swedish 10 oktober 2000 har beslutat utdela Nobelpriset i kemi för år 2000 gemensamt till Alan J. HeegerUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, Alan G. MacDiarmidUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, Hideki ShirakawaUniversity of Tsukuba, Japan “för upptäckten och utvecklandet av ledande polymerer” Plast som leder ström Vi har lärt oss att plaster, till skillnad från metaller,…


Editors: Prof. Thomas Hjertberg, Department of Polymer Technology, Chalmers University of Technology; Prof. Bengt Nordén, Chairman, Nobel Committee for Chemistry, and Eva Krutmeijer, Head of Information, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Layout and illustrations: Typoform Printing: Tryckindustri, Solna 2000 © , P.O. Box 50005, SE-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden. Phone:+46 8 673 95 00, fax:+46…


Press release

English October 10, 2000 has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2000 jointly to Alan J. HeegerUniversity of California at Santa Barbara, USA, Alan G. MacDiarmidUniversity of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, Hideki ShirakawaUniversity of Tsukuba, Japan “for the discovery and development of conductive polymers” Plastic that conducts electricity We have been taught that…


By analogy with semiconductor technology one speaks of doping the polymer when it is subjected to oxidation with iodine vapour. The more electrons are removed, the higher the degree of doping and the greater the conductivity.     While polyacetylene can be persuaded to conduct current as well as many metals do, this material is unfortunately…
