
    (press release, information for the public, advanced information, suggested web links to institutions and companies etc), The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences (advanced) on the Nobel Prize 2000, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Conductive Polymers, M.G.Kanatzidis, Chem. Eng. News 3, p. 36, 1990. Plastic Electronics, D. de Leeuw, Physics World, p. 31,…


Popular information

Swedish 10 oktober 2001 Tre forskare delar årets Nobelpris i kemi: Dr William S. Knowles, som varit verksam vid Monsanto Company, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, professor Ryoji Noyori, Nagoya University, Chikusa, Nagoya, Japan samt professor K. Barry Sharpless, The Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, Kalifornien, USA. De tre organiska kemisterna får priset “för utvecklandet av…



Grandfather Josef, a shoemaker, immigrated to the U.S. from Bohemia in 1913. My other grandparents, also of Czech origin, were first-generation Americans. My father was and is a physician, my mother the homemaker. I was born in Chicago on December 8, 1947. The safe streets and good schools of Iowa City, Iowa provided the backdrop…



Theodore William Richards was born in Germantown, Pennsylvania, USA on January 31, 1868. His father, William T. Richards was a well-known painter of landscapes and seascapes: his mother, Anna, née Matlack, won fame for her poetical works. During his childhood, Richards travelled to England and France and, up to the age of fourteen, he was…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1904 The Rare Gases of the Atmosphere The discoveries which have gained for me the supreme honour of the Nobel Prize for Chemistry appear to me to have been the result of causes only partially within my control; and as it is one of the rules of the Academy, of which…



My father, Herbert Bennett Fenn, the eldest of three children was born and raised on a farm in northern Delaware which his father operated but did not own. I never saw that farm but I vividly remember my Grandmother’s frequent reference to a single chestnut tree in the front yard, so large and prolific that…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor G. Hägg, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. When, in the early nineteenth century, Dalton had produced experimental proofs that matter consists of atoms it was not long before an explanation was sought of the forces that bind the atoms together.…
