

English Biobibliographical Notes Dario Fo, one of the leading figures in modern farce and political drama, was born in 1926 in the village of Sangiano (Varese) in Lombardy, where while still young he came into contact with popular theatrical and narrative traditions (his grandfather was a well-known fabulatore). After studying art and architecture in Milan,…



Rudolf Eucken (1846-1926) was born in Aurich, Germany. He studied philosophy, philology, and history at the universities of Göttingen and Berlin and wrote his dissertation on the language of Aristotle. He became a professor of philosophy at Basle in 1871 and from 1874 on held the chair of philosophy at Jena. Eucken was an idealist…



Frans Eemil Sillanpää was born on the 16th of September, 1888, at Ylä-Satakunta in the Hämeenkyrö Parish of Finland on a desolate croft of the same name. The cottage had been built by his parents, his father Frans Henrik Henriksson, who had moved there some ten years before from Kauvatsa in the Kumo Valley, and…



German Elfriede Jelinek wurde am 20. Oktober 1946 in Mürzzuschlag, Steiermark geboren. Ihr Vater war tschechisch-jüdischer Herkunft und überlebte den Holocaust da er als Chemiker mit kriegswichtigen Forschungsaufgaben betraut war. Die Mutter stammte aus einer wohlhabenden Familie in Wien, wo Elfriede Jelinek aufwuchs und zur Schule ging. Sie erhielt frühzeitig Musikunterricht (Klavier, Orgel, Blockflöte) und…
