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The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2005 This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is to be shared by three scientists: Frenchman Yves Chauvin and Americans Robert H. Grubbs and Richard R. Schrock. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences citation runs “for the development of the metathesis method in organic synthesis”. The Laureates’ contributions have already assumed…


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From apples to ylang-ylang, the range of scents and flavours that fill Nature’s vast garden of plants are formed chiefly from specific combinations of volatile organic compounds, known collectively as essential oils. For decades the tools used in chemistry were deemed ill-equipped to untangle these complex and unstable mixtures, until Otto Wallach devised ways in…


Editors: Professors Bertil Andersson and Britt-Marie Sjöberg, Arrhenius Laboratories for Natural Sciences, University of Stockholm, S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden Illustrator: Karin Feltzin, Stockholm, Sweden Photos: M. Marsland, Yale University, University of Colorado, Boulder Printed by: Tryckindustri AB, Solna Copyright © , Information Department, Box 50005, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden, Tel. +46-8-673 95 00, Fax +46-8-15…


  The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2005   Contents: |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |   Nobel Poster from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, web adapted by Nobel Web AB.


  The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001                   Editors: Per Ahlberg, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry and Professor at Göteborg University, Eva Krutmeijer, Head of Information and Katarina Werner, Information assistant, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Layout: Kjell Lundin, Explicare ord och bild AB.…



For the ten years from the third grade of elementary school to the end of high school, I lived in the small city of Takayama, a town of less than sixty thousand, located in the middle of Honshu, Japan. Even though it was far away from Japan’s principal cities, Takayama has been called a “little…



William Ramsay was born in Glasgow on October 2, 1852, the son of William Ramsay, C.E. and Catherine, née Robertson. He was a nephew of the geologist, Sir Andrew Ramsay. Until 1870 he studied in his native town, following this with a period in Fittig’s laboratory at Tübingen until 1872. While there his thesis on…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor H.G. Söderbaum, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of , on December 10, 1922 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. One of the most fruitful ideas in the chemical research of the last century was put forward in 1869, when the Russian scientist Dmitri Ivanovitch Mendeleev drew up…
