

I was born in the little town of Nuoro in Sardinia in 1871. My father was a fairly well-to-do landowner who farmed his own land. He was also a hospitable man and had friends in all of the towns surrounding Nuoro. When these friends and their families had to come to Nuoro on business or…



Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov (1905-1984) was born in the land of the Cossacks, now known as the Kamenskaya region of the R.S.F.S.R. He attended several high schools until 1918. During the civil war he fought on the side of the revolutionaries, and in 1922 he moved to Moscow to become a journalist. There he published a…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Per Hallström, Permanent Secretary of the , on December 10, 1933 Ivan Bunin’s literary career has been clear and uncomplicated. He came from a family of country squires and grew up in the literary tradition of the times in which that social class dominated Russian culture, created a literature occupying a place…



German Biobibliographische Notiz Elfriede Jelinek wurde am 20. Oktober 1946 in Mürzzuschlag, Steiermark geboren. Ihr Vater war tschechisch-jüdischer Herkunft und überlebte den Holocaust da er als Chemiker mit kriegswichtigen Forschungsaufgaben betraut war. Die Mutter stammte aus einer wohlhabenden Familie in Wien, wo Elfriede Jelinek aufwuchs und zur Schule ging. Sie erhielt frühzeitig Musikunterricht (Klavier, Orgel,…



Swedish Elfriede Jelinek är född den 20 oktober 1946 i staden Mürzzuschlag i det österrikiska landskapet Steiermark. Fadern, med tjeckisk-judiskt ursprung, var kemist och under andra världskriget verksam som forskare i krigsviktig industri och undgick därigenom förföljelse. Modern kom från en välbärgad familj i Wien, där Elfriede Jelinek växte upp och gick i skola. Hon…
