

I came to a happy Jewish family in dark days in Europe. On July 18, 1937 I was born to Clara (née Rosen) and Hillel Safran in Zloczow, Poland. This town, typical of the Pale of the Settlement, was part of Austria-Hungary when my parents were born. It was Poland in my time and is…



John Cowdery Kendrew was born on 24th March, 1917, in Oxford. His father, Wilfrid George Kendrew, was Reader in Climatology in the University of Oxford; his mother, Evelyn May Graham (Sandberg) Kendrew, was an art historian, for many years resident in Florence, Italy, where she published works on the Italian Primitives under the nom de…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Hj. Théel, President of on December 10, 1902 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Royal Academy of Sciences has resolved to award the 1902 Nobel Prize for Chemistry to Dr. Emil Fischer, Professor at Berlin University and Geheimrat, for “the extraordinary services he has rendered by his work…


Award ceremony speech

In regard to de Hevesy’s work, Professor A. Westgren, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of , made the following statement When, in 1913, de Hevesy was working with in Manchester, this young scientist had been commissioned to isolate radium D from radioactive lead. His efforts were unsuccessful. It had in fact become apparent…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Bengt Nordén of the , December 10, 1999. Translation of the Swedish text. Professor Bengt Nordén delivering the Presentation Speech for the 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Photo: Hans Mehlin,   Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness, Ladies and Gentlemen, We chemists want to understand molecules…


Speed read

One of the main tasks of organic chemistry is to investigate and reproduce artificially the carbon-containing chemicals that help drive the vital processes in animals and plants. This is important not only for broadening knowledge of chemical and biological phenomena, but also for seeking ways of applying chemistry to everyday life. Uncovering and replicating Nature’s…


Award ceremony speech

English Presentation Speech by Professor Jan-Erling Bäckvall, Member of the ; Member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry, 10 December 2010 Professor Jan-Erling Bäckvall delivering the Presentation Speech for the 2010 Nobel Prize in Chemistry at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, This year’s Nobel Laureates in…
