
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2006 10.000 litres of yeast culture – which corresponds to 150 kg of yeast – was used to finally produce 2 g of pure RNA-polymerase. Eukaryotes are organisms whose cells have well-defined nuclei. All green plants, fungi and mammals belong to this group. Roger Kornberg has developed a system of…


By analogy with semiconductor technology one speaks of doping the polymer when it is subjected to oxidation with iodine vapour. The more electrons are removed, the higher the degree of doping and the greater the conductivity.     While polyacetylene can be persuaded to conduct current as well as many metals do, this material is unfortunately…


Contents: Based on materials from the 1989 Nobel Poster for Chemistry.


  The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001             The prize is being awarded to William S. Knowles Ryoji Noyori K. Barry Sharpless Photos: PRB This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is about molecules that exist in two forms that are mirror images of each other. Often it is important to…



Lars Onsager was born in Oslo, Norway, November 27, 1903 to parents Erling Onsager, Barrister of the Supreme Court of Norway, and Ingrid, née Kirkeby. In 1933 he married Margarethe Arledter, daughter of a well-known pioneer in the art of paper making, in Cologne, Germany. They have sons Erling Frederick, Hans Tanberg, and Christian Carl,…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor H.G. Söderbaum, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of , on December 10, 1929 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. The fermentation of liquids containing sugar – there we have a chemical reaction older than all chemical science. The point of time when men first began to take…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Inga Fischer-Hjalmars of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, The laureates in chemistry of this year have studied the theory of chemical reactions. Chemical reactions is something that fills our daily life. All of us are constantly starting chemical reactions, by turning the…
