

French Notice biobliographique Dario Fo, une des personnalités de premier plan de la farce moderne et du théâtre politique, naquit en 1926 dans le village de Sangiano (Varese) en Lombardie, où il fut tôt en contact avec le théâtre populaire et la tradition orale (son grand-père était un fabulatore connu). Après des études d’art et…



I was born on May 7th, 1867, in the village of Kobielo Wielkie in that part of Poland which was under Russian rule. My father was the church organist; the village curate was my mother’s brother, a former monk from the order of Pijar, a very well educated and ascetic man who loved nothing but…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Anders Österling, Member of the Nobel Committee of the , on December 10, 1932 When we survey John Galsworthy’s authorship, it seems to develop unusually smoothly, pushed on by a conscientious and indefatigable creative impulse. Yet he is not one of those who have turned to the literary career rapidly and without…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Karl Ragnar Gierow, of the (Translation) Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, Mix a powerful imagination with a logic in absurdum, and the result will be either a paradox or an Irishman. If it is an Irishman, you will get the paradox into the bargain. Even the Nobel Prize in…



German Biobibliographischer Hinweis Dario Fo, eine der Portalfiguren der modernen Farce und des politischen Theaters, wurde 1926 im Dorf Saniano in der Lombardei geboren, wo er frühzeitig mit Volkstheater und Erzähltradition (sein Großvater war ein bekannter Fabulatore) in Verbindung geriet. Nach Kunst- und Architekturstudien in Mailand arbeitete Fo mit einer Reihe von Monologen unter dem…
