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Plastics surround our everyday lives, and the fact that they do is thanks largely to the innovations awarded the 1963 Nobel Prize in Chemistry. By bringing order to the manner in which plastics are created, Karl Ziegler and Guilio Natta established ways of making them significantly cheaper, stronger and more versatile. Plastics are made up…


Press release

Swedish 12 oktober 1999 har utdelat 1999 års Nobelpris i kemi till Professor Ahmed H. Zewail, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA för att han har visat att man med snabb laserteknik kan se hur atomerna i en molekyl rör sig under en kemisk reaktion. Vetenskapsakademiens motivering: För hans studier av kemiska reaktioners övergångstillstånd med…


Press release

German hat beschlossen, den Nobelpreis in Chemie für das Jahr 1995 an Professor Paul Crutzen, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Deutschland (niederländischer Staatsangehöriger), Professor Mario Molina, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences und Department of Chemistry, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA und Professor F. Sherwood Rowland, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, USA wegen ihrer…



Arthur Harden was born in Manchester, England, on October 12, 1865; his father was Albert Tyas Harden and his mother Eliza Macalister. He was educated at a private school in Victoria Park (1873-1877) and at Tettenhall College, Staffordshire (1877-1881). He entered The Owens College in the University of Manchester in 1882, studying under Sir H.E.…



Ronald George Wreyford Norrish was born in Cambridge on November 9th, 1897. His father, a native of Crediton, Devonshire, came to Cambridge as a young Pharmacist to open one of the early shops of Boots, the Chemists, and remained there for the rest of his long life. After spending his early years at the local…
