
Award ceremony speech

In regard to von Baeyer’s work, Professor A. Lindstedt, President of , made the following statement, on December 10, 1905 A characteristic feature of chemical science is the close interaction between theory and practice, between pure science and technology, which is here assuming ever greater importance. This feature became especially prominent during the last decades…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor H.G. Söderbaum, Secretary of , on December 10, 1926 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. Around the middle of the 19th century the English scientist Graham put forward a new principle of subdividing matter by classifying all substances into one of the two great classes: crystalloids and colloids. A…


Award ceremony speech

As a result of Kendrew’s and Perutz’ contributions it is thus becoming possible to see the principles behind the construction of globular proteins.



Arthur Harden was born in Manchester, England, on October 12, 1865; his father was Albert Tyas Harden and his mother Eliza Macalister. He was educated at a private school in Victoria Park (1873-1877) and at Tettenhall College, Staffordshire (1877-1881). He entered The Owens College in the University of Manchester in 1882, studying under Sir H.E.…
