Economic Sciences

Award ceremony speech

English Presentation Speech by Professor Jakob Svensson, Member of the , Member of the Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 10 december 2019. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Esteemed Nobel Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen, 8−5=3. This is a simple exercise for most 9-year-olds, but fewer than half the fourth-grade…


Nobel Lecture

Experimentation, Innovation, and Economics Michael Kremer delivered his Prize Lecture on Sunday 8 December 2019, at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Torsten Persson, member of the Economic Sciences Prize Committee. Pdf 664 kB © The Nobel Foundation


Nobel Lecture

Field Experiments and the Practice of Policy Esther Duflo delivered her Prize Lecture on Sunday 8 December 2019, at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. She was introduced by Professor Torsten Persson, member of the Economic Sciences Prize Committee. (pdf) Copyright © Esther Duflo Pdf 1,5 MB © The Nobel Foundation


Nobel Lecture

Field Experiments and the Practice of Economics Abhijit Banerjee delivered his Prize Lecture on Sunday 8 December 2019, at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Torsten Persson, member of the Economic Sciences Prize Committee. Pdf 883 kB © The Nobel Foundation



Interview, December 2019 Interview with the 2019 Laureate in Economic Sciences Michael Kremer on 6 December 2019 during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, Sweden. Michael Kremer answers the following questions (the links below lead to clip on YouTube): How was your interest in science sparked? How did your experimental approach to economics begin? Can…
