

Born in Monessen, Pennsylvania, March 26, 1916 Dr. Anfinsen obtained a B.A. degree from Swarthmore College in 1937 and an M.S. in organic chemistry in 1939 from the University of Pennsylvania. He spent the year 1939-40 as a Visiting Investigator at the Carlsberg Laboratory in Copenhagen. In 1943, he received a Ph.D. from Harvard Medical…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Doctor Å.G. Ekstrand, President of , on June 1, 1920 Ladies and Gentlemen. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to confer the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 1918 upon the Director of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute at Dahlem near Berlin, Geheimrat Professor Dr. Fritz Haber, for his method of synthesizing…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor W. Palmær, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of , on December 10, 1937 Your Majesty, Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. To the most important chemical compounds belongs a group of substances named carbohydrates. They have been so called because of their composition, which is such that they may be…


Press release

23 October 1973 has decided to award the 1973 Nobel Prize in Chemistry half each to: Professor Ernst Otto Fischer, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany and Professor Geoffrey Wilkinson, Imperial College, London, Great Britain for their pioneering work performed independently on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds. “Chemistry…


Speed read

There’s more to chlorophyll than simply providing plant leaves with their natural green colouring. Chlorophyll is part of the engine that drives photosynthesis, possibly the most important reaction on earth, in which light is absorbed from the sun and converted into chemical energy to fuel the growth of plants. Our understanding of the chemistry of…


Popular information

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2010 There is an increasing need for complex chemicals. Humanity wants new medicines that can cure cancer or halt the devastating effects of deadly viruses in the human body. The electronics industry is searching for substances that can emit light, and the agricultural industry wants substances that can protect crops.…


Products such as plastics, synthetic fibres, paints and pigments, pharmaceuticals and pesticides and many others have become readily available through the dynamic development of organic synthesis (the science of building organic molecules).     There are many ways to build a complex molecule from simple starting materials but to find the simplest way is often difficult. It…
