Acceptance Speech

Acceptance by Aristide Briand. Mr. Briand, the French foreign minister, who shared with Gustav Stresemann the Peace Prize for 1926 – awarded because of their contributions to the Locarno Pacts the year before – was not present at the presentation ceremony in Oslo on December 10, 1926. The French chargé d’affaires, J. Billebault du Chaffault,…


Nobel Lecture

German Vortrag gehalten am 29. Juni 1927 auf Einladung des Storthing-Nobelkomitees in der Aula der Universität in Oslo (Translation) Der Weg des neuen Deutschlands Euere Majestät, Herr Präsident, Eure Magnifizenz, meine Damen und Herren! Lassen Sie mich, wenn ich heute die Ehre habe, vor Ihnen zu sprechen, beginnen mit dem Ausdruck des tiefgefühlten Dankes für…


Nobel Lecture

English Nobel Lecture, June 29, 1927 (Translation) The New Germany It is a great honor for me to address you today. I would like to begin by expressing my heartfelt thanks for the great distinction which the Nobel Committee has conferred upon me. I would also add my warm gratitude for the cordial welcome you…



While the East Wind Blows (Mentre soffia il levante) A short story by Grazia Deledda From the collection I giuochi della vita (1905) Translated by Anders Hallengren A ccording to an ancient Sardinian legend, the bodies of those who are born on Christmas Eve will never dissolve into dust but are preserved until the end…



Selected works in Italian Nell’azzurro. – Milano : Trevisani, 1890 Fior di Sardegna. – Roma : Perino, 1891 La regina delle tenebre. – Torino : Orsiglia, 1892 Anime oneste. – Milano : Cogliati, 1893 Racconti sardi. – Sassari : Dessí, 1894 Tradizioni popolari di Nuoro in Sardegna. – Roma : Forzani & Senato, 1894 La…
