William A. Fowler – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, December 8, 1983 Experimental and Theoretical Nuclear Astrophysics; the Quest for the Origin of the Elements Pdf 1.06 MB
moreLech Wałęsa – Nobel Lecture*
Nobel Lecture
English Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1983 (Translation) Ladies and Gentlemen, Addressing you, as the winner of the 1983 Nobel Peace Prize, is a Polish worker from the Gdansk Shipyard, one of the founders of the independent trade union movement in Poland. It would be the simplest thing for me to say that I am not…
moreLech Wałęsa – Nobel Lecture (Polish)
Nobel Lecture
Polish Przemowienie Lecha Wałęsy Láureata Pokojowej Nagrody NoblaOslo, Dnia 11 Grudnia 1983 Roku Panie, Panowie Zwracam się do Was jako laureat Pokojowej Nagrody Nobla za rok 1983, polski robotnik ze Stoczni Gdańskiej, jeden z organizatorów niezależnego ruchu związkowego w Polsce. Najłatwiej byłoby mi powiedzieć, że nie jestem godzien tego wyjątkowego wyróżnienia. Kiedy jednak wspominam chwilę,…
moreLech Wałęsa – Nobel Symposia
Nobel Symposia
Interpreter’s note This is a live recording of members of AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, interpreting simultaneously at the Nobel Centennial Symposia. It is not intended to be a literal or definitive translation of the proceedings.
moreLech Wałęsa – Acceptance Speech*
Acceptance Speech
As the Laureate was unable to be present on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1983, the acceptance was read by Mrs Danuta Wałęsa (Translation) Your Majesty, Honourable Representatives of the Norwegian people, You are aware of the reasons why I could not come to your Capital…
moreWilliam Golding – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
William Golding’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1983 Your Majesties, your Royal Highnesses, your Excellencies, Fellow Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen, I came to Sweden characterized as a pessimist, though I am an optimist. Now something – perhaps the wonderful warmth of your hospitality…
moreWilliam Golding – Bibliography
Works Poems. – London: Macmillan, 1934 Lord of the Flies. – London: Faber, 1954 The Inheritors. – London: Faber, 1955 Pincher Martin. – London: Faber, 1956. – Republished as The Two Deaths of Christopher Martin, 1957 Sometime, Never : Three Tales of Imagination / by William Golding, John Wyndham, and Mervyn Peake. – London: Eyre…