Norman F. Ramsey – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, December 8, 1989 Experiments with Separated Oscillatory Fields and Hydrogen Masers Pdf 283 kB
moreThe 14th Dalai Lama – Biographical
His Holiness the XIVth Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, is the spiritual and temporal leader of the Tibetan people. He was born in a small village called Taktser in northeastern Tibet. Born to a peasant family, His Holiness was recognized at the age of two, in accordance with Tibetan tradition, as the reincarnation of his predecessor…
moreCamilo José Cela – Bibliography
Works in Spanish Novels La familia de Pascual Duarte. – Madrid: Aldecoa, 1942 Pabellón de reposo. – Madrid: Afrodisio Aguado, 1943 Nuevas andanzas y desventuras de Lazarillo de Tormes. – Madrid: La Nave, 1944 La colmena. – Buenos Aires: Emecé, 1951 Mrs. Caldwell habla con su hijo. – Barcelona: Destino, 1953 La catira. –…
moreTrygve Haavelmo – Prize Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel, December 7, 1989 Econometrics and the Welfare State 1. Introduction Some of you here in this distinguished audience, and perhaps many of my colleagues who are not present, might say that the title I have chosen for this lecture is a strange and artificial construction. What has the…
moreTrygve Haavelmo – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Trygve Haavelmo’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1989 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, I should like to keep my own person in the background in this connection, overwhelmed as I am by the honour that has fallen upon me. My admiration for their wisdom and foresight should go to those…
moreTrygve Haavelmo – Curriculum Vitae
Curriculum Vitae
Born: December 13, 1911, in Skedsmo, Norway Education 1930 Examen artium (secondary school) 1933 Cand. oecon. (undergraduate degree) in Political Economy, University of Oslo 1946 Dr.phil., University of Oslo Positions and appointments 1933 – 38 Research Assistant, Institute of Economics, University of Oslo 1938 – 39 Lecturer in Statistics, University of…
moreSidney Altman – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Sidney Altman’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1989 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, My colleague, Thomas Cech, and I offer our most profound thanks to you for the honour you bestow on us today. Our colleagues, present and past, at Yale University, at the University of Colorado and elsewhere, are…