Popular information

Swedish Populärvetenskaplig information 10 oktober 2000 har utdelat Nobelpriset i fysik år 2000 “för arbeten som lagt grunden till den moderna informationstekniken.” Priset utdelas med ena hälften gemensamt till Zhores I. Alferov, A.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, S:t Petersburg, Ryssland, och Herbert Kroemer, University of California at Santa Barbara, Kalifornien, USA, “för utvecklingen av halvledarheterostrukturer för…



Life goes on surprisingly fast. It seems to happen a short time ago that I would attend anniversary celebrations in honour of noted physicists, my teachers who to my mind looked quite old. But at the present time, I myself have recently marked the 70th birthday. My parents, Ivan Karpovich, and Anna Vladimirovna, had been…


Press release

French 10 Octobre 2000 a décidé d’attribuer le Prix Nobel de Physique de l’année 2000 à des chercheurs et inventeurs dont les travaux ont jeté les bases des nouvelles technologies de l’information, en particulier par leur invention des transistors rapides, des diodes laser et des circuits intégrés (puces). Le prix est attribué pour moitié conjointement…



I was born on August 25, 1928 in Weimar, Germany. My father was a civil servant working for the city administration of my home town; my mother was a classical German “Hausfrau.” Both came from simple skilled-craftsmen families. Neither had a high-school education, but there was never any doubt that they wanted to have their…


Press release

English 10 October 2000 has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2000 to scientists and inventors whose work has laid the foundation of modern information technology, IT, particularly through their invention of rapid transistors, laser diodes, and integrated circuits (chips). The prize is being awarded with one half jointly to Zhores I.…


Press release

German 10 Oktober 2000 hat beschlossen den Nobelpreis in Physik für das Jahr 2000 an Forscher und Erfinder zu verleihen, deren Arbeiten die Basis zu der modernen Informationstechnologie, IT, gelegt haben; und zwar speziell durch ihre Erfindung schneller Transistoren, Laserdioden sowie integrierter Schaltkreise (Chips). Der Preis wird verliehen mit der einen Hälfte gemeinsam an Zhores…



The Nobel Committee has asked me to discuss my life story, so I guess I should begin at the beginning. I was born in 1923 in Great Bend, Kansas, which got its name because the town was built at the spot where the Arkansas River bends in the middle of the state. I grew up…


Press release

Swedish 10 oktober 2000 har beslutat utdela Nobelpriset i fysik år 2000till forskare och uppfinnare, vars arbeten lagt grunden till den moderna informationstekniken, IT,speciellt genom sina uppfinningar av snabba transistorer, laserdioder och integrerade kretsar (chips). Priset utdelas med ena hälften gemensamt till Zhores I. AlferovA.F. Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, St. Petersburg, Ryssland, och Herbert KroemerUniversity of…
