
Award ceremony speech

Professor Olof Ramström delivering the presentation speech for the 2019 Nobel Prize in Chemistry at Konserthuset Stockholm on 10 December 2019. © Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud. English Presentation Speech by Professor Olof Ramström, Member of the ; Member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry, 10 December 2019. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Esteemed Nobel…


On the doors of the Northwestern University Technological Institute a poster of a smiling greets visitors: ‘Home of Fraser Stoddart, recipient of the 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry’. It’s the first days of the semester and the courtyard is crowded with new students. “I talked to this brilliant young scientist, Matthew, earlier today and told…


Nobel Lecture

Brief History and Future of the Lithium-Ion Battery Akira Yoshino delivered his Nobel Lecture on Sunday 8 December 2019, at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Olof Ramström, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry. Pdf 1,2 MB © The Nobel Foundation


Nobel Lecture

The Origins of the Lithium Battery Stanley Whittingham delivered his Nobel Lecture on Sunday 8 December 2019, at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Olof Ramström, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry. Pdf 8 MB © The Nobel Foundation


Nobel Lecture

The Pathway to Discovering Practical Cathode Materials for the Rechargeable Li+-ion Battery John B. Goodenough’s Nobel Lecture was deliviered by Arumugam Manthiram on Sunday 8 December 2019, at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. The lecture was introduced by Professor Olof Ramström, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry. (pdf)Copyright © John B. GoodenoughThe original lecture…



Interview, December 2019 Interview with Chemistry Laureate John B. Goodenough on 6 December 2019 during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, Sweden. John B. Goodenough answers the following questions (the links below lead to clip on YouTube): – What advice would you give to a younger version of yourself? – How do you recognise a good teacher?…



Interview, December 2019 Interview with the 2019 Laureate in Chemistry M. Stanley Whittingham on 6 December 2019 during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, Sweden. M. Stanley Whittingham answers the following questions (the links below lead to clip on YouTube): – Do you remember a teacher that inspired you? – What kind of teacher do…
