
Banquet speech

As the Laureate was unable to be present at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1954, the speech was read by John M. Cabot, United States Ambassador to Sweden «Having no facility for speech-making and no command of oratory nor any domination of rhetoric, I wish to thank the administrators…



Interview, December 2017 Interview with Kazuo Ishiguro, Nobel Laureate in Literature 2017, on 6 December 2017 during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, Sweden. Kazuo Ishiguro answers the following questions (the links below lead to clips on YouTube): What does the Nobel Prize mean to you? How do you feel about being a role model?…



Bob Dylan was born on May 24, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota. He grew up in the city of Hibbing. As a teenager, he played in various bands and with time his interest in music deepened, with a particular passion for American folk music and blues. One of his idols was the folk singer Woody Guthrie.…



Excerpt from Voices from Chernobyl Children’s Chorus Alyosha Belskiy, 9; Anya Bogush, 10; Natasha Dvoretskaya, 16; Lena Zhudro, 15; Yura Zhuk, 15; Olya Zvonak, 10; Snezhana Zinevich, 16; Ira Kudryacheva, 14; Ylya Kasko, 11; Vanya Kovarov, 12; Vadim Karsnosolnyshko, 9; Vasya Mikulich, 15; Anton Nashivankin, 14; Marat Tatartsev, 16; Yulia Taraskina, 15; Katya Shevchuk, 15;…



In Sight of the Lake Excerpt from Dear Life: Stories A woman goes to her doctor to have a prescription renewed. But the doctor is not there. It’s her day off. In fact the woman has got the day wrong, she has mixed up Monday with Tuesday. This is the very thing she wanted to…


Nobel Lecture

(pdf, 1.38 MB) Swedish (pdf, 202 kB) Nobelsamtal med Alice Munro Samtalspartner Stefan Åsberg, SVT Översättning Rose-Marie Nielsen [Den engelska avskriften av samtalet har varit utgångspunkt för översättningen till svenska. Arbetet har skett under stor tidsnöd, varför vissa smärre avvikelser i texten kan förekomma.] Jag blev tidigt intresserad av läsning, eftersom man läst en saga…


Nobel Lecture

English At the Nobel Lecture in Literature on 7 December 2011, a programme featuring texts by Tomas Tranströmer was introduced by Peter Englund, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy. Tomas and Monica Tranströmer, esteemed Academicians, Ladies and Gentlemen: I bid you a warm welcome to the Swedish Academy and this presentation marking the year’s Nobel…


Nobel Lecture

Swedish Vid Nobelföreläsningen i litteratur den 7 december 2011 introducerade Peter Englund, Svenska Akademiens ständige sekreterare, ett program med texter av Tomas Tranströmer. Tomas och Monica Tranströmer, kära Akademiledamöter, mina damer och herrar. Hjärtligt välkomna till Svenska Akademien och detta arrangemang med anledning av årets Nobelpris i litteratur! God poesi är ett mäktigt ting. Det…


Speed read

The wave of creativity that has swept through Latin American writing since the 1960s has turned the region into an engine for change on a global scale and Mario Vargas Llosa is one of the major figures in this Latin American renaissance. He was born in Peru in 1936 and his life, like his writing,…
