Award ceremony speech
Award ceremony speech
Presentation Speech by Professor C.W. Oseen, member of the Nobel Committee for Physics of , on December 10, 1926 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. Nature can be physically explained in two ways. When a group of phenomena is to be understood, we can seek to deduce, on the basis of observations, general…
moreAward ceremony speech
Award ceremony speech
Presentation Speech by Professor Carl Nordling of the December 10, 1995 Translation of the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, Physicists believe that all matter, for example the matter in our own bodies, consists of quarks and leptons. Quarks are heavy, and leptons are light. There are two types of quarks,…
morePhilipp Lenard – Biographical
Philipp von Lenard was born at Pozsony (Pressburg) in Austria-Hungary on June 7, 1862. His family had originally come from the Tyrol. He studied physics successively at Budapest, Vienna, Berlin and Heidelberg under Bunsen, Helmholtz, Königsberger and Quincke and in 1886 took his Ph.D. at Heidelberg. From 1892 he worked as a Privatdozent and assistant…
moreJames Chadwick – Biographical
James Chadwick was born in Cheshire, England, on 20th October, 1891, the son of John Joseph Chadwick and Anne Mary Knowles. He attended Manchester High School prior to entering Manchester University in 1908; he graduated from the Honours School of Physics in 1911 and spent the next two years under in the Physical Laboratory in…