Physiology or Medicine

Credits for the production Nobel and Karolinska Institutet Production made by in cooperation with Jan Lindsten, professor emeritus Center for Molecular Medicine Karolinska Hospital SE-171 76 Stockholm, Sweden Martin Lundström, manuscript IT-Media Martin Lundström Sandbrovägen 13 183 30 Täby Peo Drangert, sound Sound Propulsion Kungsholmsstrand 101 112 33 Stockholm Alan Pryke, voice over Cultura…


A 28 minutes long slide shows the history of Karolinska Institutet and the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. It is divided into four parts: The 19th century history of Karolinska Institute; the development of the Karolinska Institute during the 1900’s; The Nobel Laureates at the Karolinska Institute; Selecting the Nobel Laureates and overview of…
