The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004             A unified theory for all forces? This year’s prize paves the way for a more fundamental future description of the forces in nature. The electromagnetic, weak and strong forces have much in common and are perhaps different aspects of a single force.…



Nobel Laureates 2004 – Credits Production TWI: Narrator: Josette Simon Titles and Graphics: Kevin Cooney Editor: Gidon Benari Sound: Stuart Browne Researcher: Alex Gervin Production Manager: Kate Best Executive Producer: Rick Thomas Producer: Linda Daniel Camera: Sveriges Television AB – SVT Copyright Acknowledgements: Physical Review Journal Papers, Courtesy of the American Physical Society U.S. Department…


Popular information

English The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004 The discovery which is awarded this year’s Nobel Prize is of decisive importance for our understanding of how the theory of one of Nature’s fundamental forces works, the force that ties together the smallest pieces of matter – the quarks. David Gross, David Politzer and Frank Wilczek have…


  The Nobel Prize in Physics 2004 The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2004 “for the discovery of asymptotic freedom in the theory of the strong interaction” jointly to David J. Gross, H. David Politzer and Frank Wilczek     David J. Gross Kavli Institute…


Award ceremony speech

English Presentation Speech by Professor Lars Brink of the , December 10, 2004. Professor Lars Brink delivering the Presentation Speech for the 2004 Nobel Prize in Physics at the Stockholm Concert Hall. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, When Isaac Newton saw the apple fall he understood how gravity works and…


Popular information

Swedish Populärvetenskaplig information 5 oktober 2004 Upptäckten som belönas med årets Nobelpris i fysik är avgörande för teorin om hur en av naturens fundamentala krafter fungerar, den som binder ihop materiens allra minsta kända beståndsdelar, kvarkarna. David Gross, David Politzer och Frank Wilczek har genom sina teoretiska insatser gjort det möjligt att lägga sista pusselbiten…
