
Nobel Lecture

Harnessing Evolution to Make Medicines Sir Gregory P. Winter delivered his Nobel Lecture on 8 December 2018 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Sara Snogerup Linse, member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry. Pdf 3,3 Mb Copyright © Sir Gregory P. Winter Pdf 1,7 MB Copyright © The Nobel…


Nobel Lecture

Extreme Light Physics and Application Gérard Mourou delivered his Nobel Lecture on 8 December 2018 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Olga Botner, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics. Pdf 4,7 MBCopyright © The Nobel Foundation


Nobel Lecture

Optical Tweezers and their Application to Biological Systems Arthur Ashkin’s Nobel Lecture was held by René-Jean Essiambre, Nokia Bell Labs, Holmdel, USA, on 8 December 2018 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Olga Botner, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics. Pdf 2,9 MB Copyright © The Nobel Foundation…



Interview, December 2018 Interview with Laureate in Economic Sciences William D. Nordhaus on 6 December 2018 during the Nobel Week in Stockholm, Sweden. William D. Nordhaus answers the following questions (the links below lead to clip on YouTube) What’s the source of your passion for economic sciences? What interests you about climate change? How…


Prize announcement Announcement of the 2018 Prize in Economic Sciences by Professor Göran K. Hansson, Secretary General of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, on 8 October 2018. Interview about the awarded work “It’s important that great technological ideas are spread to other countries” Immediately following the announcement, Professor Per Krusell, Member of the Prize…



Interview, October 2021 Photo courtesy Paul Romer “We have to confront the problem of inequality” In this short interview, conducted in October 2021, Paul Romer talks about his belief that a better future lies in the idea of creating new cities that are open and welcome to all. Nobel Minds 2018 The 2018 Nobel…



Telephone interview, October 2018 “I hope that it will help bring justice for those women who suffered from sexual violence” Nadia Murad was in Cambridge, Massachusetts when she learned that she had been awarded the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize. Our conversation with her starts in English but she then moves into Kurdish, with sequential…



Interview, December 2018 Interview with the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Denis Mukwege, December 2018. Denis Mukwege answers the following questions (the links below lead to clip on YouTube): – What’s your message to men regarding sexual violence? – What’s your hope for the future? – What can individuals do in the fight against sexual…


Prize announcement Announcement of the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad, presented by Berit Reiss-Andersen, Chair of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, on 5 October 2018. Interview about the awarded work “If we want people to say ‘no more war’, we have to show how brutal it is” Following the announcement, Berit…
