Economic Sciences

Speed read

In a remarkably succinct, ten-page article published in 1979, Paul Krugman proposed a new trade model that changed the way economists view the international exchange of goods. At the heart of the model lay two concepts that reflected the general twentieth century trend towards having more: the increased production of goods, leading to economies of…


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The 2009 Sveriges Riksbank Prize for Economic Sciences is concerned with the basic question of where best to conduct transactions; in the open market, within firms, or among self-regulating groups of individuals. Elinor Ostrom has made extensive studies of the management of common property by groups of common owners, contrasting that with management by state…


Speed read

If you have ever tried to find a job, or to buy or rent a house, you will know that such undertakings are not without their ‘inefficiencies’, or, as economists like to term them, their frictions. The same goes for those trying to fill jobs, or sell homes: although the perfect employee or buyer might…


Nobel Lecture

From Cashews to Nudges: The Evolution of Behavioral Economics Richard H. Thaler delivered his Prize Lecture on 8 December 2017 at the Aula Magna, Stockholm University. He was introduced by Professor Magnus Johannesson, Member of the Economic Sciences Prize Committee. Pdf 13 MB Pdf 1.5 MB Copyright © Richard H. Thaler Pdf 892 KB…


Award ceremony speech

English Presentation Speech by Professor Per Strömberg, Member of the , Chairman of the Committee for the Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 10 december 2017. Professor Per Strömberg delivering the presentation speech for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2017 at the…
