The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2019
Award ceremony video Watch the Nobel Prize award ceremony from the Stockholm Concert Hall in Sweden, 10 December 2019. (pdf)
moreBarry C. Barish – Biographical
R eflecting on my background, it is not at all apparent why my life did not go in other directions, rather than my becoming a physicist, and one dedicated to an academic career and pursuing research on some of the most fundamental problems in nature. My families’ backgrounds are not very well documented, but I…
moreRainer Weiss – Biographical
My father came from a well-off German Jewish family in Berlin with connections to the Rathenau family that had begun the Allgemeine Electrische Gesellschaft (AEG). As a young man he had become an ardent and idealistic communist. After finishing medical school he worked in a communist workers’ hospital as a neurologist in Berlin. My mother…
moreJames Peebles – Banquet speech
Banquet speech James Peebles’ speech at the Nobel Banquet, 10 December 2019. Your Majesties Your Royal Highnesses Excellencies Dear Laureates and guests Ladies and gentlemen I rise on behalf of Michel Mayor, Didier Queloz, and myself to thank the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Foundation for their recognition of our pure curiosity-driven research…
moreThe Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2019
The Nobel Prize award ceremony takes place at the Stockholm Concert Hall, Sweden, on 10 December every year – the anniversary of Alfred Nobel’s death. At the ceremony, the Nobel Prize in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature and the Prize in Economic Sciences are awarded to the Nobel Laureates. Read the speeches
moreDidier Queloz – Nobel diploma
Nobel diploma
Artist: Elsebeth Malmsten Calligrapher: Marie A. Györi, monogram: Marianne Pettersson Soold Book binder: Leonard Gustafssons Bokbinderi AB Photo reproduction: Lovisa Engblom
moreJames Peebles – Nobel diploma
Nobel diploma
Artist: Elsebeth Malmsten Calligrapher: Marie A. Györi, monogram: Marianne Pettersson Soold Book binder: Leonard Gustafssons Bokbinderi AB Photo reproduction: Lovisa Engblom
moreMichel Mayor – Nobel diploma
Nobel diploma
Artist: Elsebeth Malmsten Calligrapher: Marie A. Györi, monogram: Marianne Pettersson Soold Book binder: Leonard Gustafssons Bokbinderi AB Photo reproduction: Lovisa Engblom
Award ceremony speech
Swedish Presentationstal av Professor Mats Larsson, ledamot av , ordförande i Nobelkommittén för fysik, 10 december 2019 Eders Majestäter, Eders Kungliga Högheter, ärade Nobelpristagare, mina damer och herrar, Årets Nobelpristagare har tagit med oss på en resa som började när Universum var mycket ungt, knappt 400 000 år, och som pågår till denna dag. Det unga…
moreAward ceremony speech
Award ceremony speech
Professor Mats Larsson delivering the presentation speech for the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physics at Konserthuset Stockholm on 10 December 2019. © Nobel Media. Photo: Alexander Mahmoud. English Presentation Speech by Professor Mats Larsson, Member of the ; Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Physics, 10 December 2019 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Esteemed Nobel…