Gao Xingjian – Prose
French Le Livre d’un homme seul Chapitre 54 Tu ne vis plus dans l’ombre de personne et tu ne considères plus l’ombre d’autrui comme un ennemi imaginaire, tu es sorti de cette ombre et voilà tout, tu ne vas pas te fabriquer espoirs et illusions, à l’origine, tu es arrivé dans ce monde sans le…
moreGao Xingjian – Prose
Swedish Utdrag ur En ensam människas bibel LIV DU LEVER INTE längre i någon annans skugga, och du inbillar dig inte att någon annans skugga är din fiende. Du har vandrat ut ur skuggan och befinner dig i en stor stillhet. Du behöver inte längre hänge dig åt falska förhoppningar och fantasier. Naken och utan…
moreGao Xingjian – Prose
Excerpt from One Man’s Bible by Gao Xingjian English Excerpt from One Man’s Bible 54 You no longer live in other people’s shadows nor treat other people’s shadows as imaginary enemies. You just walked out of their shadows, stopped making up absurdities and fantasies, and are now…
moreJosé Saramago – Prosa
Utdrag ur Baltasar och Blimunda Swedish N u är de klara för avfärd. Fader Bartolomeu Lourenço tittar rakt upp på den molnfria himlen, solen ser ut som en gyllene monstrans, sedan tittar han på Baltasar som tar ett stadigt grepp om repet med vilket de skall reva seglen, sedan på Blimunda, ack om hennes ögon…
moreJosé Saramago – Prose
Memorial do Convento Romance Portuguese A gora, sim, podem partir. O padre Bartolomeu Lourenço olha o espaço celeste descoberto, sem nuvens, o sol que parece uma custódia de ouro, depois Baltasar que segura a corda com que se fecharão as velas, depois Blimunda, prouvera que adivinhassem os seus olhos o futuro, Encomendemo-nos ao Deus que…
moreKenzaburo Oe – Prose
Excerpt from Prize Stock When I woke up, fecund morning light was slanting through every crack in the slat walls, and it was already hot. My father was gone. So was his gun from the wall. I shook my brother awake and went out to the cobblestone road without a shirt. The road and the…
moreGrazia Deledda – Prose
While the East Wind Blows (Mentre soffia il levante) A short story by Grazia Deledda From the collection I giuochi della vita (1905) Translated by Anders Hallengren A ccording to an ancient Sardinian legend, the bodies of those who are born on Christmas Eve will never dissolve into dust but are preserved until the end…
moreSaul Bellow – Prose
Excerpt from Herzog If I am out of my mind, it’s all right with me, thought Moses Herzog. Some people thought he was cracked and for a time he himself had doubted that he was all there. But now, though he still behaved oddly, he felt confident, cheerful, clairvoyant, and strong. He had fallen under…
moreGünter Grass – Prose
Excerpt from The Tin Drum by Günter Grass English Illustration by Günter Grass © Günter Grass & DTV But now it was Monday afternoon and my grandmother was sitting by the potato fire. Today her Sunday skirt was one layer closer to her person, while the one that had basked in the warmth of her…
moreGünter Grass – Prosa
Utdrag ur Blecktrumman Swedish Illustration by Günter Grass © Günter Grass & DTV Nu var det emellertid måndagseftermiddag och min mormor satt vid potatiselden. Söndagskjolen hade kommit henne ett steg närmare in på livet medan det plagg som på söndagen hade njutit hennes kroppsvärme nu hängde helt söckent ytterst över hennes höfter. Hon visslade lite,…