
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1925 James Franck, Gustav Hertz Nominated on 2 occasions for the Nobel Prize in   To cite this pageMLA style: “Gustav Hertz – Nominations”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.



The Nobel Prize in Physics 1925 James Franck, Gustav Hertz Nominated on 13 occasions for the Nobel Prize in Submitted 42 nominations, for the Nobel Prize in   To cite this pageMLA style: “James Franck – Nominations”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.



Richard Adolf Zsigmondy was born in Vienna on April 1, 1865. His father, doctor Adolf Zsigmondy, had done a great deal to promote dentistry in Austria, had invented several surgical instruments and devices, and had published several scientific and medical works. He encouraged his four children’s interest in the natural sciences. He died when Zsigmondy…


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Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech at Award Ceremony by , Peace Laureate for 1922, on December 10, 1926 No More War We still remember it vividly, that event of over eight years ago. For four long years the world had resounded with the fearful din of the battlefields, the piercing cries of the dying, the forlorn laments of…


Acceptance Speech

Acceptance by Jospeh Austen Chamberlain. The Peace Prize for 1925, reserved in that year, was awarded on December 10, 1926, half of it to Sir Austen Chamberlain, the British foreign minister, and half to Charles Gates Dawes. In Sir Austen’s case, the prize recognized his work on the Locarno Pacts of 1925. Since he was…
