Frederick C. Robbins – Nominations
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1954 John F. Enders, Thomas H. Weller, Frederick C. Robbins To cite this pageMLA style: “Frederick C. Robbins – Nominations”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.
moreThomas H. Weller – Nominations
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1954 John F. Enders, Thomas H. Weller, Frederick C. Robbins To cite this pageMLA style: “Thomas H. Weller – Nominations”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.
moreJohn F. Enders – Nominations
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1954 John F. Enders, Thomas H. Weller, Frederick C. Robbins Nominated on 3 occasions for the Nobel Prize in To cite this pageMLA style: “John F. Enders – Nominations”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.
moreLinus Pauling – Nominations
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1954 Linus Pauling Nominated on 70 occasions for the Nobel Prize in Submitted 5 nominations, for the Nobel Prize in To cite this pageMLA style: “Linus Pauling – Nominations”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.
moreWalther Bothe – Nominations
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1954 Max Born, Walther Bothe Nominated on 15 occasions for the Nobel Prize in Submitted 4 nominations, for the Nobel Prize in To cite this pageMLA style: “Walther Bothe – Nominations”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.
moreMax Born – Nominations
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1954 Max Born, Walther Bothe Nominated on 34 occasions for the Nobel Prize in Submitted 15 nominations, for the Nobel Prize in To cite this pageMLA style: “Max Born – Nominations”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.
moreA case of identity: Ernest Hemingway
A case of identity: Ernest Hemingway by Anders Hallengren This article was published on 28 August 2001. The recognition of Hemingway as a major and representative writer of the United States of America, was a slow but explosive process. His emergence in the western canon was an even more adventurous voyage. His works were burnt…
moreErnest Hemingway – Bibliography
Short stories Three Stories & Ten Poems. – Paris : Contact, 1923 in our time. – Paris : Three Mountains Press, 1924 In Our Time. – New York : Boni & Liveright, 1925 Men Without Women. – New York : Scribners, 1927 Winner Take Nothing. – New York : Scribner, 1933 The Fifth Column and…
moreMax Born – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Max Born’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1954 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. When the work of a scientist is regarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Science worth of the Nobel Prize, the highest honour open to a scholar, he will sense not only the deepest gratitude…