International Committee of the Red Cross – Acceptance Speech
Acceptance Speech
Mr. Léopold Boissier delivered the Acceptance Speech in the name of the International Committee of the Red Cross in the Auditorium of the University of Oslo on December 10, 1963, Your Majesty, Your Royal Highness, Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my great privilege to express, to the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament, the deep…
moreInternational Committee of the Red Cross – Other resources
Other resources
Giorgos Seferis – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
English Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1963 Some Notes on Modern Greek Tradition A poet who is especially dear to me, the Irishman , Nobel laureate of 1923, on his return from Stockholm wrote an account of his trip entitled «The Bounty of Sweden». I was reminded of it when the honoured me so greatly by…
moreGiorgos Seferis – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
English Giorgos Seferis’ speech at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1963 (Translation) I feel at this moment that I am a living contradiction. The has decided that my efforts in a language famous through the centuries but not widespread in its present form are worthy of this high distinction.…
moreGiorgos Seferis – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
French Giorgos Seferis’ speech at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1963 Sire, Madame, Altesses Royales, Mesdames, Messieurs. En ce moment je sens que je suis une contradiction. a en effet décidé que mon effort dans une langue fameuse à travers bien des siècles, mais peu répandue dans sa forme…
moreGiorgos Seferis – Bibliography
Selected works in Greek Strophe, 1931 I Sterna, 1932 Mythistorema, 1935 Imerologio katastromatos, 1940 Tetradio gymnasmaton, 1940 Dokimes, 1944 Imerologio katastromatos B, 1944 Erotokritos, 1946 Kichli, 1947 Treis meres sta monasteria tis Kappadokias, 1953 Imerologio katastromatos C, 1955 Tria krypha poiemata, 1966 Metagraphes, 1980 Selected translations into English The King of Asine and Other…
moreGiorgos Seferis – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
French Discours du 11 décembre 1963 Quelques points de la tradition Grecque, moderne Un poète qui m’est particulièrement cher, l’Irlandais , Lauréat Nobel en 1923, à son retour de Stockholm, écrivit un récit de son voyage qu’il intitula « La générosité de la Suède » – « The Bounty of Sweden «. J’y pensais, quand…
moreKarl Ziegler – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Karl Ziegler’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1963 (in German) Majestäten, Königliche Hoheiten, Hochansehnliche Versammlung, Das Testament Alfred Nobels bestimmt mit Bezug auf den Preis, der Herrn Natta und mir zuerkannt worden ist, daß er für diejenige Erfindung oder Verbesserung auf chemischem Gebiet vergeben werden solle, die im verflossenen Jahre der…