Banquet speech

Stanford Moore’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1972 Mr. Prime Minister, Ladies and Gentlemen, Christian B. Anfinsen, William H. Stein, and I have the honor of co-authoring the response of three chemists to your toast on this memorable occasion. This ceremony and the intellectual aura associated with the Nobel Prizes have…


Banquet speech

Christian Anfinsen’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1972 Fellow students, and other ladies and gentlemen; Det er en stor ære for mig at takke Herr Fhølenhag, og alle dere som er sammlet her, fra pristagerne og våre familier, iser når jag får en chance at gøre det i en filologisk blandning…


Nobel Lecture

In 1961, Christian Anfinsen proved that the sequence of amino acids, in itself, determines the way the chain folds itself and that no additional genetic information is required in this process.
