Franco Modigliani – Prize Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel, December 9, 1985 Life Cycle, Individual Thrift and the Wealth of Nations Pdf 739 kB
moreFranco Modigliani – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Franco Modigliani’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1985 I would like to express my thanks to the Nobel Foundation and the Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Riksbanken for their award. From the instant I lifted that phone at 7 a.m. on October 15 our life has been miraculously transformed and we have…
moreJerome Karle – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Jerome Karle – Interview
Interview transcript Thank you for coming to this interview, professor. I just wanted to ask you first of all, I believe this year, which is the year 2005, it’s the year of and people are trying to commemorate and trying to make the general public understand more about science. Do you think…
moreHerbert A. Hauptman – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Herbert A. Hauptman – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Herbert A. Hauptman’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1985 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, I speak for Jerome Karle, as well as myself when I say that our journey to Stockholm began some 67 years ago when our parents, with unconscious wisdom, gave us a most precious gift, the freedom…
moreClaude Simon – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
French Conference Nobel le 9 décembre 1985 Mesdames, Mesdemoiselles, Messieurs, Sur les sentiments que peut éprouver un lauréat distingué par l’Académie Suédoise, l’un de mes « confrères Nobel », comme nous appelle le docteur dans une lettre qu’il a eu la gentillesse de m’adresser, s’est on ne peut mieux expliqué : « La recherche étant un jeu, écrivait-il…
moreClaude Simon – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
English Nobel Lecture 9 December 1985 (Translation) Ladies and gentlemen. The feelings of a laureate honoured by the have been perfectly expressed by one of my “Nobel colleagues”, to use Dr. André Lwoffs expression in a letter he has been so kind as to write to me: “Research being a game or a gamble,” he…
moreFranco Modigliani – Biographical
I was born in Rome, Italy, the son of Enrico Modigliani and Olga Flaschel. My father was a leading pediatrician in the city and my mother was a volunteer social worker. My school performance in the early years was good though not outstanding. Then, in 1932, a major trauma occurred. My father died as a…